Thursday, December 13, 2018

dress- Trunk Up Boutique // jacket- Forever 21 // shoes- 

Hello! It's finally holiday season, okay so it has been for a while... I realize that... BUT I'm back! I want to try to be more consistent around here, really I do! I was talking to a friend today about how I used to be so much more active with my blog, I used to post practically every day, and I want to start that up again, obviously I won't make any promises, I mean saying something like "I will post everyday" or even every other day, with my class schedule and just procrastination, that's practically impossible! Not impossible, just improbable... You get it! Just stick around, because I'll be around!
Anyway, I'm going to be sharing with you a few different holiday outfits over the course of a few days that I think would be perfect for every occasion. Whether it be a party, holiday brunch, Christmas shopping, really anything, I'm going to share some of my favorite holiday outfits!

I know what you're thinking, pink for Christmas!? YES! Everyone's seen the classic tartan skirt with a red or black sweater, everyone wears silver and gold, why not spice it up with something different? I absolutely LOVE this dress from Trunk Up Boutique, it is flattering, comfortable, and the bow on the back gives it the PERFECT holiday touch haha! What do you think? Is pink the next big holiday color? Let me know!

I'll be back soon with more outfits <3
Until then, xo, O!