Sunday, February 4, 2018

all photos by the talented Rachel Proctor
follow her here 
dress- Free People // top- Zara // boots- Hidden Fashion

HEYO! It's February already. Puxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, there are six more weeks of winter, it's midterms here at SCAD, it's cold, I'm drowning in work, but let's be real, you already knew all of that, nothing is new. Honestly though, it is somewhat hard to believe that it is already February. Every quarter here at SCAD midterms sort of pop up out of nowhere and then all of a sudden the quarter is OVER! Time flies. The fact that we are already half way through this quarter, that I am that much closer to Hong Kong, blows my mind. I have a good bit in store for you all and for myself for February. I'll use this post as a way to share that with you, cause what else would you expect?
Starting the month of right, tomorrow I'm taking a solo adventure over to Atlanta to see Lana Del Rey! Getting lit on a Monday, I know. I was going to try to go for a double whammy and see BØRNS and stay in Atlanta another night, but things were just getting SO ridiculously expensive, I couldn't have pulled it off unfortunately. BUT! I am still so insanely pumped for Lana. I'll vlog all about that for sure, so be on the look out. Are you subscribed to my YouTube?
I have a BUNCH of collaborations lined up this month, to name a few: Adore Me, The Home T, Don't Tell Your Mama and MORE! I'm really excited about that, I hope you are too!!
I've been working with a ton of other SCAD gals on projects, so expect some QUALITY content here soon. These photos included! How talented is Rachel?! I want to get together a whole girl gang of photographers and do a big photoshoot sometime once it gets warmer, I think that would just be so so fun.
I know this isn't in February, BUT the second day of March (I'm just too excited I have to share now) Kate, John and I are going to DISNEY!! I'm SO ridiculously excited! I've never been to Disney, or at least have zero memory of doing so... Oh my gosh how I've always dreamt of wearing one of those cute little Mickey ear hats with my name embroidered on the back of it... MAJOR HEART EYES!!

This month will be full of adventures, hard work, and lots and lots of fun. I can't wait! AND it's the first full month of me being an ADULT! Gotta make each day count! Here's to doing more, constantly creating, and loving LIFE! xo, O

P.S. I almost forgot to mention! These photos I took during my birthweek as a part of my Birthday Chronicles, shooting in the studio! Success!

1 comment:

  1. what the WHAT??!!!!! these are AMAZING photos..... xoxoxoxoxo


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