Garlic Chili Cauliflower Pasta!!

Monday, February 29, 2016

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Hello! This week at school we have a week off to do what is called "Xterm" which is basically a week of trips, projects, or internships and what not. Last year I went India, the year before that Austin, TX! And this yearrr.... Joanna and I are doing an independent project (seniors have the option to do independent projects) revolving around mindful living in regards to yoga, veganism and just all around conducting a wholesome delicious lifestyle :)
SO!! For our project we made a blog and will be blogging vegan recipes, interviews with local yogis, and other things of that nature! In honor of our xterm week starting tomorrow I thought I'd share with you guys an awesome vegan recipe! Enjoy!!
Here's what you'll need-
1 small head cauliflower, large stems removed, florets separated
2-3 Tbsp olive
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes (more or less to taste)
Heaping 1/4 tsp sea salt
2 cups vegetable broth (for adding more flavor to pasta) (optional)
12 oz long pasta of your choice (ensure vegan friendly)
1/4 cup olive oil 
3 cloves garlic, skin removed + smashed NOT minced
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes (reduce for less heat)
2 Tbsp fresh chopped parsley, plus more for serving
2 Tbsp toasted pine nuts, plus more for serving (optional)
1/4 cup vegan parmesan cheese, plus more for serving (optional)
Salt + Pepper to taste
And here's how to do it!

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F
Add cauliflower to a mixing bowl with olive oil, minced garlic, red pepper flakes, and sea salt. Toss to coat, then spread on a baking sheet and roast for 20 minutes, flipping/stirring once at the 15-minute mark to ensure even cooking. Sample and adjust seasonings as needed. Set aside.
Then, boil your pasta, following the box directions.

Then, heat a large pan with 1/4 cup of olive oil and three cloves of crushed/smashed garlic. Let garlic simmer to a golden brown and add pasta in once it's done.

Stir pasta, coating it with the oil in the pan, mix in cauliflower as well until both are lookin yummy to your liking :)
 Use parsley as a garnish :)
I hope you guys love this as much as we did! If you make this I'd love to see how it turns out! Instagram it and tag @joya_xterm :) ENJOY!

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Black and White and Blue

Sunday, February 28, 2016

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shirt- Target // belt, jacket, jeans- Forever 21 // shoes- Urban Outfitters

HELLO LITTLE DUMPLINGS! I am alive and well! Sorry for being so MIA lately... I honestly have zero excuses for you except for the fact that I'm only slightly busy and highly lazy. Sorry homies but making banana pancakes with Nate and shopping for summer with my Squad is all too appealing and time consuming at the moment that blogging just never fit it's way into my schedule if I'm honest! But no more excuses, I'm back and better than ever! School is out for two weeks for XTerm and then Spring Break! Exciting things are happening and lots and LOTS of blog posts and videos are coming your way! WOOHOO!

As for this outfit, I bought this shirt yesterday and am in absolute love. But when am I not a total sucker for black and white stripes and boyfriend jeans? What else is newwwww....?? As of late I've been watching a bunch of vlogs and am in LOVE with Asypn and Parker, if you've seen them you probably are too, I mean how can't you be?! Anyway, Asypn has a shirt like this and when I saw it I knew I needed to get my hands on it. It's finally starting to get warm here so I can finally wear less and start going out more. (I regret saying that already but it actually works, okay?)

What are y'alls plans for Spring Break? You'll be hearing from me regarding all that very soon :)

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

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HELLO! I'm alive! I KNOW It's been forever and a day since I've blogged, but I actually have an excuse, my camera COMPLETELY broke. I sent it into Canon to get them to fix it and they SENT IT BACK, saying it was absolutely UNFIXABLE. I shed a tear over it, it's okay, it's not like my life revolves around my camera or anything... don't worry about it.

ANYWAY!!! Last night I celebrated my eighteenth birthday! It was absolutely, by far the best night ever. To celebrate I got together with my best best friends and had a formal dinner in my new house! Which was cool because we just got the house last week and it is still completely empty! Spooky I know! Thanks to Ally for letting me borrow her camera for the night, here are a few photos from the party :)
Everything was silver, gold, and sparkly! SO glamorous. For dinner we had, egg rolls, pesto spirals, two types of pasta, and some salad! For dessert we of course had cake, and then an ice cream sundae bar!!
My mom and I set up three different backdrops for photobooth stations, it was such a success and SO much fun!
 And to finish off the night, SPARKLERS!
I had such an amazing time last night. Being surrounded by all the people I love so much never felt so good. Here's to being 18!!! And shout out to my mom for being SO incredible with helping put it all together! It would NOT have been possible without her :)
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