Black and White and Blue

Sunday, February 28, 2016

shirt- Target // belt, jacket, jeans- Forever 21 // shoes- Urban Outfitters

HELLO LITTLE DUMPLINGS! I am alive and well! Sorry for being so MIA lately... I honestly have zero excuses for you except for the fact that I'm only slightly busy and highly lazy. Sorry homies but making banana pancakes with Nate and shopping for summer with my Squad is all too appealing and time consuming at the moment that blogging just never fit it's way into my schedule if I'm honest! But no more excuses, I'm back and better than ever! School is out for two weeks for XTerm and then Spring Break! Exciting things are happening and lots and LOTS of blog posts and videos are coming your way! WOOHOO!

As for this outfit, I bought this shirt yesterday and am in absolute love. But when am I not a total sucker for black and white stripes and boyfriend jeans? What else is newwwww....?? As of late I've been watching a bunch of vlogs and am in LOVE with Asypn and Parker, if you've seen them you probably are too, I mean how can't you be?! Anyway, Asypn has a shirt like this and when I saw it I knew I needed to get my hands on it. It's finally starting to get warm here so I can finally wear less and start going out more. (I regret saying that already but it actually works, okay?)

What are y'alls plans for Spring Break? You'll be hearing from me regarding all that very soon :)


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