Words With Sunday + Chapter 35

Sunday, December 14, 2014

This week we stayed close to home and enjoined brunch at Mosaic. It was great! We were both satisfied with classics, eggs benedict and french toast. If you go, be sure to order potatoes for your side, they're delicious!!  
 New plus of having short hair, I can finally wear these earrings without worrying about all my hair getting tangled up in them! At last! Aren't they just so awesome? My sister made them :)
dress- thrifted // tights- Forever 21 // sweater- Target // boots- Old Navy // necklaces- gifted // hat- David & Young // earrings- handmade by Emma

I honestly struggled trying to match this dress together with things without having it look springy. Yet the funny thing is, it's not a springy dress, maybe the cut it (it's short sleeved) but the colors are not. But after a while, I got together a caramel maroon pallet that I ended up loving! It's perfect for winter, before the snow strikes, when it still looks like fall. 

Today was warmer which was really nice for taking photos. However I spent all day cooped up making study guides for my English and History exams tomorrow. 

I find it extremely difficult to get into the Christmas mood when exams are in the way of literally everything... If you've noticed I really haven't talked about Christmas at all here on the blog. I want this year to be the best Christmas ever. Last year it just snuck up on me and I never got into that Christmas spirit, and that is just unexceptionably sad. SO! I made a Christmas bucket list. Things that I really want to do before Christmas, after exams. I only have a few days, but I'll make it work. I'll post more about that soon and I will blog everytime I do the activities! Sounds fun? I think so, we need a little bit of Xmas spirit up in here! haha 

Happy Holidays! xoxo

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