Words With Sunday + Chapter 28 (video!)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cheers! It's Sunday!
Although my weekend has been nothing but busy... work, work, work is all I do anymore! The weather has been absolutely beautiful and I really cannot complain. Life is spectacular these days and I'm feeling gooood!

This morning we went to "Xtras Café" It was alright, I thought it was okay, but my dad said he was disappointed. Bummer right? Hey you have to try them all out so you know which ones to go back to.
Passing around the glasses. 
Oh and yeah, I'm wearing a wig... my hair was dirty and I didn't have time to shower... It was just one of those days I guess, I was feeling pretty bold haha
outfit details in the video!! :)
Have a happy Sunday, have any plans for this week? I'm awfully busy with tests and quizzes and such... what about you?

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