Little Cravings

Friday, February 21, 2014

So where's Olivia been?
Yeah my thoughts exactly... it's been awhile since an actual post with my photos, and my face, and you know all that jazz. So sorry about that! I am been up late late at night nearly every night this week, and I am so exhausted. But it is the weekend (rejoice!!) and I can sleep in until three in the afternoon! Well not really.... I am weird and I set my alarm for 7:55 each day on the weekends haha... I like getting stuff done and I get most of my work done in the early mornings when I am the only one awake, sans distractions etcetera etcetera...

Ally and I hung out before we had to babysit tonight and we were craving summer sun, and hey, the only way to suit our cravings is to take photos and post about it, am I right? yes. 
Enjoy my somewhat odd, blurry, super sick, somewhat fuzzy, pictures, you'll love them. You better... haha. 
but actually. 
I wish my strap hadn't fallen in this photo... because I love it, maybe the strap makes it better? I dunno. 
okay, you can't say this isn't cool. 
When Ally was trying to figure out some settings, things get funky, for the better... always.
and as of always, a healthy dose of selfies. I love how my camera can flip screens to "selfie mode". Perfection.
What do ya'll have planned for the weekend? Anything super spectacular? I plan to sleep a lot, that sounds spectacular to me... what can I say?... xoxolivia. 

Follow along for more updates on Instagram! 

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