Springtime in the City

Monday, April 19, 2021

Okay okay okay... You already know what I'm going to say don't you... everyone say it with me, "Hey guys! I know it'd been a while, but this time I really want to be better at posting more consistently."

We know what the reality is though, I love this blog with my whole heart, but sometimes I really do forget that it exists, I get in my head and worry that no one will read, no one will enjoy the posts, but I REALLY want to have it as an archive for the future! I want to come back here and see this snazzy new haircut! See where I was in this time of my life! See what I was wearing, read what I was going through, all that stuff! So with this I give you a ✨life update✨

As we know, I'm still living at home! Very grateful to be doing so, I seriously do love it here... Especially as all the flowers are blooming and people are getting vaccinated, Richmond is coming alive again! I have been loving taking long walks everyday, journaling in the park, going on picnics and really savoring the little moments I do have while I'm still here. 

I have been applying for jobs again!! I have a few things in the works at the moment, but I won't spoil anything for the sake of potentially jinxing myself! But just know that i'm VERY excited about what's possibly in store for me! Another reason why I am loving savoring my time here in Richmond, I hopefully will be moving sometime soon! I feel like I say that a lot, but this time it's for real :-)

Things with Reece are going really well! (Reece is my boyfriend, is this news to you? I really don't know if I've mentioned him on here yet, oops!! Peep my instagram for some cutie pics of him hehe) He actually just got a job in NYC! Very excited for him! 

This week my whole family is in town!! Which is just delightful :-) Mimi came to visit after a whole year and a half of not coming here due to COVID! Saunders came to visit while she was here for a while and then surprise surprise, Emma flew in on Saturday night!! I had no idea she was coming, it was SUCH a fun surprise! It's so amazing to have everyone together here again! I really cant believe it's been over a year since we've all been under the same roof! HUGE shoutout to the Pfizer Vaccine for sponsoring this family gathering lol. BUT for real! I got my first vaccination two weeks ago, I could not be more excited about the world being on the mend now! Here's to a bright, shiny, HEALTHY, healing future!! 

More to come soon <3 xo, O

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