Birthday Snapshots! I'M 23!

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Hello!! This past week I celebrated my 23rd birthday! That's right, TWENTY THREEEE! How crazy is that? Shoutout to those of you who have been here since I started this blog when I was 13, what a time its been yeeeeesh. Just wanted to share a quick little journal entry style post about my day! 
My birthday was the 28th, that morning I woke up to SNOW! while it didnt last long, it was SUCH a treat! Snow is my absolute favorite weather, so I knew that without a doubt, the day would be great :-) I WAS RIGHT!
We had cinnamon rolls and strawberry bread for breakfast! The whole kitchen was decorated all pink which you can sorta see in the top picture!
For lunch, Ally, Isabelle and I went to Ally's house for some pizza. Don't forget that Ally and I share a birthday! Destined to be best friends since birth!! We are only thirty two minutes apart, how cool is that?! We did a gift exchange there :-)
A few weeks ago Isabelle threw us a birthday picnic! She made us both gift baskets with all of our favorite things! It was so much fun! I wish it weren't COVID, then we could hang out with everyone, but as far as COVID birthday's go, I'd say mine was preeeettttttyyyy great! 10s across the board 
For dinner we made this AMAZING pasta oh my gosh it was SO good! So many flavors and surprisingly easy to make! TOTALLY try this out!
Dinner was ALSO decorated to the nines in all pink! My mom always does such an amazing job with birthdays, she is the queen of decorations and party planning. 
and OMG! For dessert Saunders surprised me with a Milk Bar cake!! I couldn't believe it! I've wanted to try one of these forEVER! it was such a fun surprise, I want the leftovers to last forever, they’re so delicious! 
And lastly, I now own more Squishmallows than any human needs, but thank you to everyone who contributed :-)

Hope you liked this hella casual post! I had a wonderful birthday, thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday I appreciate it more than you know!! Cheers to 23! xo, O

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