Wednesday, December 26, 2018

HELLO!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! YAY! Seven, what EVEN! I started this blog, seven years ago... WHAT?! Time has flown by so freaking fast, and I feel like I probably say that EVERY year when it's my little baby blogs birthday, but STILL!

That is one thing that will never change, time will forever feel ungraspable. It's so funny how in the moment, when times get tough and it feels like I'm never going to get through something, when it does pass, and I look back on that moment, it feels so small. This year on the other hand has been huge. SO much has happened. I am going to go through more of my actual year once I do my year in review post, which will literally be NEXT WEEK! But until then I just wanted to say thank you.

This year has been full of ups and downs, it was a huge year of change, not to mention rebranding, but CHANGE, and something that always grounds me is you guys. Because of all my fantastic, loyal readers and supporters. My blog, like I've maybe creepily said too many times, is my baby. I have loved watching it grow and see how it evolves and what it does for me.

I have done so many fun collaborations, met so many people, and am so SO endlessly grateful for it all. Thank you!! Let's make this next year even better :-)
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo, O

Also! Check out my instagram for some trips down blog memory lane...
I love you all!