Sunday, December 23, 2018

bodysuit- Ragstock //

Happy Christmas Eve Eve! I took these photos the other day with my new friend Sierra at a cool donut place called Hot Diggity Donuts, it's the cutest, do you love?! Can you believe it is already Christmas Eve Eve?! Where did the month go, heck where did the whole YEAR go!? I'll be doing a year in review post soon, so more on that then, but until then, this outfit!!

I know what you're thinking, this doesn't look like a holiday outfit, but it so is! What's a holiday fit without something shiny? This skirt is PERFECT all winter long for any kind of festive outing. This is a casual look, but this skirt can totally be dressed both up and down!

Not only do I love this skirt, but this BODYSUIT! I have never tried bodysuits out until now, but I am ALL about this one! It is so flattering, and soft, and wow the cheetah print is to die for! Loving animal prints lately! What are your thoughts on cheetah for the holidays? I'm all about it!

I just thrifted this beret the other day while I was doing my Christmas shopping, because of course you have to treat yourself too haha!! I am studying abroad in France this spring, not sure if I mentioned that yet, BUT I am working on growing my beret collection, I WILL be rocking berets everyday in Paris, you can count on that!! I'm so excited!

What are you excited for in 2019?
xo, O