Saturday, June 30, 2018

Dress- Forever 21 // shoes- DSW

Hey! Long time no see! I hope you are all well! It's starting to finally feel like summer here for me as I am settling back into the swing of things in ol' RVA. I'll tell you what though, I do miss traveling around Asia a whole lot, that's for sure...

But I'm home for the summer and ready to make the absolute best of it! On my drive home from babysitting earlier this week I noticed this car, it was too cool to pass a photoshoot with it up... It's for sale, but luckily we were able to shoot with it free of charge!
 So when I was in Forever 21 the other day and tried this dress on I KNEW I had to shoot with the car. How PERFECT are they together!? It's all the right old Beverly Hills, color pop, art deco vibes thrown together in the dress + car match made in heaven. Did that make sense? You get the vibe, you get it...

Anyway, I guess this post is just to show off my new dress, this cool car, and some funky poses. I hope you like the photos as much as I do! Huge thanks always to Ally, my best friend, for taking them :)

I'm heading to the beach tomorrow for the Fourth, what are your plans for the holiday?? xo, O

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