New Adventures

Thursday, March 22, 2018

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Good Morning from Hong Kong! Wait, what was that..? I'm where?! You read that right folks, Hong Kong. And I'll be here for the next three months. Full of excitement, nerves, curiosity, and adventure I'm sitting in my luggage-less room in the same outfit I flew the last twenty four hours in. Not even the fact that my bags are somewhere floating around Asia with out me is bringing me down right now. I mean how can it? I'm on my new bed, in my new home, looking out at this incredible new view.

Today I begin to write one of the most anticipated chapters of my life yet; studying abroad in Hong Kong. Flash back to seventeen year old me standing in a room full of strangers and brown nosers learning about SCAD, and more importantly their study abroad program. It was that night, ironically sitting in a P.F. Chang's with my dad (foreshadowing? I think yes) when I declared to him, knowing nothing about any other schools, already making my decision that, yes, I'm going to SCAD and "my sophomore year I will study abroad in Hong Kong." Years later, however this time lacking P.F. Chang's lettuce wraps in my stomach, I'm here. I'm actually here! 

So here's to the new, saying yes to just about everything and living my life to it's absolute fullest on my biggest adventure yet. I will document as much as I can, but most importantly, I will genuinely soak it all up. I'll write, I'll look, I'll buy ferry tickets to tourist-less places, I'll eat street food I can't pronounce, I'll get blisters, I'll pull all nighters, I'll do it all! Here's to everything, xo, O

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Shop Caitlyn's jumpsuit
Shop my top, jeans, shoes

Hey loves, happy Spring Break! As of last night I am finally DONE with finals and ready to have some time to relax! I could not be more excited. My dad is driving up to Savannah right now to get me (and all my things) and then we'll head home tomorrow! Ahhhh yes, spring break, what's better than that?

Seeing as it is spring, that means spring cleaning, which meanssss new wardrobe! This season dress up your style, not with high fashion, but Hi Fashion! Old Navy is the perfect store to fill your closet this spring. Right now they have tons of not only color, but adorable patterns, prints and styles for the whole family! Their clothes are adorable, affordable and really good quality. And I mean it too. This isn't just any old sponsored post where I talk highly about a company I know nothing about, I really do know and love Old Navy, and always have!

This season it's all about celebrating life! Having fun and feeling good in the clothes you wear! Don't be afraid to mix bold prints and match with friends and family! I decided to celebrate through the power of ladies! I got together with my total babe of a friend Cait to model and asked my total boss babe of a friend Taylor to take these photos. Behind every woman is a group of other talented women supporting her! So get together with your gals, dress up and feel powerful, confident, and fantastic when you wear Old Navy! Oh, and HAVE FUN! THAT's what it's all about :)

What are you waiting for?! Go buy something good! xo, O

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Stress Free

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

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top- Brandy Melville // bodysuit- Target // shoes- Miz Mooz

Hello from the pit of finals week! Currently I'm listening to Kali Uchis procrastinating my butt off while I really, seriously have WAY too much work to do before tomorrow. I recently picked up a minor in Fibers, which don't get me wrong it's so much fun, but it is just SO MUCH WORK! It's all good y'all (or at least that's the lie I'm telling myself when maybe I should be worrying...) After tomorrow I'll officially be on break, which I'm so excited for, even though it will be me scurrying around packing and panicking doing everything for Hong Kong last minute... Again, it's all good...

This past weekend, which feels like years ago, I got together with Austin Anderson (@austinwho on instagram) who's actually from Memphis, TN but just visiting for his spring break. The morning we shot this it was early early early, and oh so freezing, we made it work though.

Anyway, this post is mainly just to show off these photos, I really should be getting back to work...
I'll be honest though, I may be somewhat absent until I'm in Hong Kong due to the stress of finals, packing up, lots of traveling and such. I know myself and I know that in the moments when I am free, I'll want to just spend time with family or slugging around enjoying the sweet sweet luxury of being lazy that I haven't felt in months!!
I'll see y'all when I see y'all! xoxo, O
 top- Zara // jacket- Levi's // shoes- Miz Mooz

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