Wednesday, November 15, 2017

dress and shoes- Mod & Soul // top- thrifted

Howdy! It's Wednesday, I desperately need to be studying right now... but here I am procrastinating. HEY! That's okay! Right? Probably not... Anyway, last week Matt and I took these photos and I think they're pretty cool. I'm getting really into weird portrait photography. Basically just not typical standing and smiling photos that you may be used to on a blog. Have you ever heard of Mango Street? They're photographers and YouTubers, I really like their style, weird poses, and all around good composition. I want to get more into making interesting, quality content over just the same old quick blog post everyday. You dig? I dig.

In other news, life update: finals seem to be going well. Yeah it's a lot of work and yeah it sure is stressful, but I'm actually having a lot of fun. Although I'm beyond excited to go home on Friday, at the same time I'm going to miss my friends and all the good times we have here too! This quarter absolutely FLEW by! Due to the hurricane, we had to have classes on Friday which made for longer weeks and everYTHING HAPPENING AT ONCE! It was a crazy quarter, but a fantastic one none the less. Here's to another great one in 2018!!
xo, O

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