Tuesday, October 31, 2017

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, that and Valentine's Day, and Christmas of course, but not counting Christmas, it's always either Halloween or Valentine's Day... Anyway, since today is Halloween AND Ten Things Tuesday, I thought I would do a Halloween round up, sharing some of my favorite Halloween costumes, DIYs, movies, and foods!! I know obviously it's technically too late to do these, but it's more just in the spirit of Halloween :)
Enjoy! I hope your Halloween was spooktacular!

1Rock Candy
Of course I had to start off the costumes portion with a Studio DIY costume, and this rock candy costume absolutely stole my heart away when I first saw it!! 100% my favorite, SO original and fun!
2. Burrito with Guac
This easy last minute costume from AwwSam is too cute for words, and with experience working at chipotle and having to say "Guac is extra is that okay" 15,00000000000 times a day, I respect all those who say up front that they know...
3. Dollar Store DIY Costumes (especially Lemonade)
I've been a follower of With Wendy on Youtube for forever, she makes clothes and does other cute DIYs and is so totally awesome. This video is actually from last year, and not even from her channel, but it was too iconic to not add in this years round up.
Okay... So I couldn't get away with not sharing another Studio DIY costume... but you guys, HOW CAN YOU RESIST BABY ARLO!!! Literally the cutest baby I've ever seen, and in a cactus costume?! I mean... come on. Kelly always comes up with the best costume ideas, and just DIY ideas in general, highly recommend checking out her blog. 

5. Skull String Art
An A Beautiful Mess classic DIY. String art is actually so much easier than it seems and way cheap. Totally recommend this for any DIY! I've made them before saying words, doing hearts, and all sorts of other shapes. Try it!!
This year when carving pumpkins I just went for the classic jack-o-lantern smile, but I so so so love how creative some people are getting with pumpkin decorating these days! It's not just about carving anymore y'all! 

MOVIES: The links I have below are to the movies on Netflix, not sure if it will work since I'm signed into my account, but it you have Netflix, hopefully it does!!!
7. Coraline
I first saw Coraline in 8th grade and remember being thoroughly freaked out. It's creepy, and spooky, and so clever and interesting all at the same time. It's the perfect Halloween movie if you aren't into horror or anything too ridiculous like that.
So this can either be a Halloween or Christmas movie, and it's just that good that watching it twice a year is completely acceptable, I know we have in my house at least!! This musical is so much fun and funny. 10/10 would recommend.

9. Mummy Pumpkin Truffles
Ahhh yes, the food category, my favorite. How CUTE are these little mummy dudes?! They're almost too cute to eat (but not really) And better yet, they're pumpkin cheesecake truffles on the inside, omg I'm salivating just thinking about it!!!
10. Ghostly Pizzas!
On Halloween we practically overdose on sweets, so it's nice to have a savory snack to break that up! These ghost pizzas are perfect for that! Because who doesn't love pizza, and who doesn't love SPOOKY PIZZA?!?!? Crazy people I guess...

That wraps up this weeks Ten Things Tuesday!! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! Now here's to looking forward to Thanksgiving! What are your favorite Thanksgiving memories? xo, O

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