Monday, October 30, 2017

 shirt- Oui Fresh // skirt and socks- Forever 21 // shoes- Target // sunnies- Urban

Tomorrow is Halloween and I am SO excited! I love everything about Halloween, the candy the costumes, the spooks, the candy... did I mention that already?? I just really love candy you guys.
I'm being Dark Betty from Riverdale tomorrow, if you saw my latest YouTube video then you already know what that looks like, but maybe I'll post an insta or something. Are you following me on both of those platforms?? No? Well you should.

Anyway! Halloween!! Some of my best memories are from Halloween! Dressing up and going trick-or-treating with my brother and sister and then organizing and sorting out all of our candy, then making deals and trying to make a convincing enough argument as to why Saunders would want my Whoppers over his full sized Reece's... why would he though? Who would give up a full sized Reece's cup!? and for WHOPPERS at that!! Being a candy salesperson at age eight was a tough gig y'all... No one ever wanted to make deals with me. BUT alas, it would always be so much fun to bring candy to school the next day as dessert in your lunch box and be like "hey look at me, I got a full sized bar and you're sitting there with a halloween themed pretzels package, twerp."

Halloween has always been the best, here's to many more fun years of tricks and treats to come!! What are your plans? Comment down below! xo, O

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