Tuesday, September 12, 2017

HELLO EVERYONE! Happy Tuesday :)
This week I'm FINALLY going back to school, it's been forever and a day, but finally heading back to Savannah on Friday and I cannot wait. Fall is on it's way, I'm starting a new year, and change is just in the AIR. SO! This week I thought it might be suiting to have my ten things be ten things I'm looking forward to. Let's get into it!
1. Starting my classes and meeting new professors 
Because nothing beats a fresh start. Getting to know new classmates, really being organized and on top of things in the start of the quarter, reading all the chapters and doing all the assignments, not yet slacking or sliding (not that I ever do that or anything...)

2. Walking on the beach barefoot at night
We are less than 30 minutes from Tybee Island, and I really did not go there enough last year, I want to eat some pizza and hold hands with someone as we walk along the shoreline and watch the moon rise, I live for the cliches y'all, just let it happen.

3. All nighters 
Okay so it's wild and stressful in the moment, but I love how crazy jam packed my schedules get at SCAD, how my work ethic goes through the roof and I have to skip classes just to do more work and get ahead, I'm excited to stay up all night jamming to throwback Miley Cyrus, eating gummy worms and creating something amazing.

4. Bella Napoli gnocchi
This one tiny restaurant on the corner of this one square with the best gnocchi in the entire world and pillow-like bread. I cannot wait to eat it all.

5. Going on dates with someone new 
Last year at SCAD I was in a long distance relationship, but things have changed quite a bit, and I'm really, really looking forward to dating, going out to dinner, on walks, studying with someone new, and who knows maybe even falling in love! Ahh! Who knows, regardless of what happens, I'm excited! No more waiting around for someone to text me back or counting down days until a stressful visit. Only gooooood vibes and luv.

6. Doing what I want when I want
I'm able to go out when I want and not have to bring my phone around with me everywhere, I'm excited to live my own life as a college kid in Savannah on my own agenda, I'm a sophomore now, I know the lay of the land and I'm excited to live it up!

7. Meeting new people
Last year I kind of kept to myself, I found a tiny group of friends and didn't get out much, not this year though y'all, I'm going to branch out and really meet new people, and I really cannot freaking wait.

8. Sweaters
Soooo maybe it's still sweltering in Savannah, but in November and when I come home I am HYPE for chunky sweaters. I've been trying to find the perfect one, and once I do, just y'all wait, I'm going to wear the heck out of that sweater! I live for chunky knits...

9. Traveling here and there
So I may not have a car or anything, but there is the train, and I do have friends with cars, basically I'm excited to get a job in Savannah, save up and travel all over. There are so many cool places I want to go around Savannah, like Charleston! Definitely planning on going to Charleston.

10. Decorating my dorm 
This is a pretty basic one, but I am very excited to get settled in my dorm. Finding housing for this year was all over the place and took way too long to figure out, so stressful you guys, so stressful. But now that I know, I really can't wait to decorate and move right in. I'm planning on keeping things pretty simple this year, and I have a few things that I'm bringing to decorate, but you'll just have to wait and seeeee ;)
Okie dokies y'all that's it for tonight! I know this was kind of a simple post, but hey, better than nothing! And I'll get back to doing links next week, so stick around for that.
Anyway, I'll see you guys tomorrow! xo, O

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