Monday, May 8, 2017

on me: trop (dress)- Forever 21 // shoes- Mod+Soul // skirt and scarf- thrifted //
on Brooke: top and shoes- Target // earrings- Bauble Bar for Target // skirt- H+M

Happy Happy Monday!! This post is all about new friends! So it's fitting that I start off by talking about Spongebob Squarepants. Duh. If you don't follow Spongebob on Instagram, well that's your first mistake! Basically a few weeks ago on Instagram they posted about receiving "Motivational Monday" texts, so obviously... I signed up. SO todays text was, "They say to choose your friends wisely, but I choose to have as many friends as I want!!"-SB and honestly, as I was frantically waiting for my project statement to print before my critique this morning I was thinking about it, and about this post and how TRUE it is!

If you are picky about your friends, then you will never be able to learn anything from the ones that didn't shape up to be all you thought they were upon first meeting them. If there's anything I've learned since being in college it's to surround yourself with people who will not only support and love you, but also teach you about yourself. So far I've had a healthy mix of the good, bad, and ugly here at SCAD, but if it weren't for accepting everyone like spongebob, then I wouldn't realize that I'm a better version of myself with certain people and not with others. This is sounding pretty rambley, but basically what I'm trying to say is, in order to learn about yourself you need to let yourself accept others, and then be able to see the good in yourself based off of who you are with others. The friends you make in college will constantly change, and influence you greatly, but remember to stay true to yourself, finding those you really click with in the best way possible may take forever, but once you find that group of people you feel you are your best self with, that's when you've won.
SOOO something in regards to making new friends, something I love love love about being at SCAD and being a blogger is the sense of community that comes with it. Meet Brooke, she's also a blogger here at SCAD, she messaged me a little bit ago wanting to meet up and chat blogs and fashion and what not and I'm SO glad she did. So far we've done two photoshoots and I absolutely love her company, she's so bubbly and fun! I can't wait to hang out with her again soon! See what happens when you just say yes to meeting all the good people!? You make great friends! Brooke is definitely one of the people who makes me a better person, so thanks for that Brooke!! You rock!! Seriously y'all, go check this chick out, she rocks!
In other news, how BEAUTIFUL IS THIS PLACE?! I've wanted to shoot here ever since first quarter and I'm SO happy Brooke and I were able to get out here before the year ended! Savannah is seriously the most beautiful city on Earth. Thank you mother nature for incredible trees and Spanish moss. 

Anyway, I need sleep, gotta wake up for class at 8am tomorrow! Y'all, I have 8ams everyday, it's a lot, but what can I say I'm a morning person. Anywhooo, goodnight, I love you all so much! Until tomorrow xo, O


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