Monday, March 20, 2017

shoes and shirt- Forever 21 // overalls- thrifted "London London"

Hello and happy first day of spring! Tonight over dinner my dad and I were talking about my ~*future*~; that big, scary, daunting, pressure-loaded word, that honestly, even though I am just a freshman in college, needs some attention now. As of right now, I know for a fact that in my future career I want to continue blogging, hopefully work as an editor or writer for a large fashion magazine or blog, and just generally be in the fashion world. So how do I get there? Well not by sitting around just waiting for it to come to me, that's for sure, but working for it. At SCAD I'm majoring in Fashion Marketing and Management and minoring in Fashion Journalism, and I know SCAD will help me along the way to learn more about my intended future field and how to get there, and hopefully also help me with getting internships and jobs and such, but there is that one big thing that I'm pretty much on my own with: blogging. SOOO I've come to the conclusion that if I want to actually get somewhere with my blog I seriously need to step up my game. In honor of spring, starting fresh and new and clean and all that good spring stuff, I've decided I need to make some spring goals for my blog...
I realize I need more, MORE MORE MORE! No one is going to want to follow a blog that never posts, or when it does, its the same. old. thing. My goal is to try, and I know this may sound unrealistic, but I am going to try my best to post everyday. Hold up, everyday?! Yes, that's right, you heard me! Seven days a week! And hey, I'm busy as heck with school, but I believe in myself that I can schedule posts, I can find an hour a day to post, especially now that the sun sets later and it's warmer, it'll be easier to get out and actually take the photos.
And not just outfit photos! I want to create a more diverse spread of posts for you guys. I want to be able to attract a greater audience, so more recipes, more home decor, inspo / mood boards, DIYs etc. I want to do a YouTube video once a week, a Savannah Spotlight post once a week (unless i'm broke broke broke, cause that's a valid reason not to do it) I would love to introduce guest posts and try to reach out to more companies to do more collaborations.
And finally, I'd like to be more present on social media, I recently created a Facebook page, so go follow that! Honestly I only had a Facebook for a hot second in the past and I hardly know how to work it now, so I'm doing my best!! But that'll just make for an easier platform to get notifications of when I post, an easier way to contact me, and just generally follow along on the go :) I plan to just be more active online, I know I'm already pretty active, but I really really want to get my blog noticed, so if anyone knows how, without spending any money on promoting my posts, please someone let me know.
That pretty much sums up the top three things I want to do this spring to grow my blog, let me know what you guys think. And what do you want to see out of my blog? Seriously, let me know! Talk to me! Shoot me an email at or just comment down below, OR facebook message me, hehehe...

Anyway, I hope you guys are as excited as I am to see my little blogosphere expand :) Now I'm off to bed, I'll see here tomorrow! Watch this space! xo
All these lovely photos were taken by my friend Spencer Sease, go give him a follow on insta and check out his website!! 

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