Back In Savannah!!!

Friday, January 13, 2017

top and shoes- Target // jacket- Calvin Klein // sunnies and beret- Forever 21 // camera- Yi M1

Hello Hello and happy Friday everyone! This week was my first FULL week back, and so far everything is SO great! I love all my professors, all my classes, and am making a bunch of new friends! Life is so so SO good here Also it's WARM which is incredible. Today I went to the beach with my roomies and our friend Rachel and it was so incredibly beautiful, we stayed for the sunset and everything. I took a bunch of footage with my new camera which I will be posting v soon :)

But yeah! I took these photos with Julia on Tuesday. She and I both got new cameras for christmas and were stoked to go out and play around with them, so that's what this is! Also just showing off the beauty and art of fantastic beret! Beret's were super trendy in the end of 2016, and I really hope that trend will continue because I have ALWAYS been a fan. What do y'all think? Thoughts on berets? xo

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