Playing With Light

Sunday, October 30, 2016

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top- forever 21

HEY QTs! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I know these photos aren't very Halloweenie, but I don't have my costume totally and completely together yet anyway, so not much to post over here. BUT I thought I'd post these photos form last month that my cool friend Liam took anyway! We wanted to sort of play with light, and if you follow any instaphotographers then you've totally seen photos like these before, here are some examples of inspo, 1 // 2 // 3 // 4. I think we pretty much nailed it huh? Go us!! Anyway, enjoy these! I recently did another shoot with Liam with a TOTALLY different vibe so get excited for those too :)

I hope you all have an absolutely amazingly fun and exciting Halloween! And even though it's on a Monday this year, I know a bunch of y'all will still be going out, so please please don't forget to stay safe, hydrated, and groovy, but that last one is always a given :) Love y'all so much <3 xo

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Monday, October 24, 2016

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Hello Hello!! I know October is almost over, but hey, it's not over YET! So, without further ado, here are my recent jams c: enjoy little listeners xo
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

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jacket (similar), boots + belt (similar)- Forever 21 // jeans- Hidden Fashion // top- Papaya // glasses- Amazon (similar, similar

HEY BABIES! After a somewhat chaotic, yet also super relaxing week of being evacuated and then getting to go HOME I am back in sunny Savannah at lassstttt :) It's good to be back, while I was at home I actually got my wisdom teeth out (scope my cute jaw bruises), so although I'm still sore and popping advil like it's my flipflopping JOB it's STILL good to be back here. I missed my roomies and all my lil friendies!! However I'm NOT too stoaked on how it's still freaking a million degrees here every dang day, but hey, once the cold comes, I'll miss these sunshiney days, so I'm soaking it up I guess. I love the fact that even though I've only been home for a day, I already am loaded up with so much work and am already loosing sleep, but hey, that's college right?
Anyway! I wore this outfit to classes today and wasn't sure how I felt about it, I got a lot of compliments which definitely made me feel like a little gem, and that's fun. But I do LOVE how these photos turned out. Ava and I went out and photographed in front of our favorite house, we are going to move in to it, it's ours, yeah, it's amazing. Actually, it's abandoned and in the middle of a parking lot, alone, and falling down, basically a dream come true ya know? I've been really into colored leather (or well pleather since I'm brokeee as anything, and like, i luv animals sooo) What do you think? Yay or Nay? 

Wellllll I hope yall are all doing well and if you were effected by the hurricane in any way you are a-okay, safe and somewhere comfortable now :) I love you all so much! I have lots of fun things coming to the blog soon so stay tuned! xoxoxo

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Apple Picking on Carter's Mountain with NATE!! :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

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ON NATE: hat- Antisocial Social Club // glasses- Newman Marconi // denim- Need Supply Co // tshirt- American Apparel // shoes- Vans Sk8-Hi's
ON ME: shirt- Forever 21 // hat- American Apparel // backpack- Vera Bradley // jeans- H+M cut myself // shoes- Vans Sk8-Hi's

HEY EVERYBODY! I know what you're thinking, "Olivia, why on Earth are you back in Virginia?!" Well let me tell youuuu... Due to Hurricane Matthew hitting Savannah pretty darn hard we got evacuated, and after time in Atlanta, constantly trying to find a way home, busses getting canceled and tickets always being sold out, after they finally called classes off for the whole week, I kinda just dropped everything and went straight home. It happens to also be Nate's fall break, he was going to come to Savannah, but Matthew kinda got in the way of things there too. BUT! I'm super happy to be home and able to get a taste of fall with Nate while I'm here :)) It is still so hot in Savannah that I haven't experienced fall until now! I'm loving it. In honor of it being fall, Nate and I went apple picking today!! We even made our own apple pie!!!!!! It's pretty dang good, be jealous. Anyway, here are a bunch of pictures I took on Nate's camera today, like I said I dropped everything in Georgia and just evacuated and came home, meaning, I literally brought nothing with me, only one change of clothes... so blogging may be lacking this week... we'll see... OKAY well enough rambling, enjoy these photos!! Hope y'all have a fabulous fall :) xoxo
Check out Nate's little friend hanging out on his shoulder!! :)
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