Like A Local Magazine

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hey guys!! I have some super exciting news for y'all today!
So, back in January I got an email asking if I would take part in writing a spread for the online magazine, Like A Local. They are a traveling magazine that gets the inside scoop on cool captivating cities. Coming the the US for the first time, they wanted their third issue to cover Richmond! Sooooooo.... I thought, well yes, of COURSE I would LOVE to do this.... but what in the world would I cover? At first I thought I wanted to do a street style, fashion around RVA article, with pictures and such, but it was winter and everyone is in their heavy coats, nothing too unique there... But then I realized, I am such a people person and am constantly interested in other people, learning about them and what they love, getting the in on their personalities and lives... why don't I get to know some of RVA's people. So, I went into Cary Town where I knew lots of people would be and asked around what everyone's favorite thing about Richmond is. Take a look and enjoy reading!

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