Last Day

Monday, March 16, 2015

 Remember in my last post how I said that it is finally spring break and now I have the chance to really sit down and blog like a madwoman? Yeah well... now here we are, it's the last day of spring break and I have blogged zero, my sincerest apologies. It's not that I have really even been busy at all, I've just been busy doing nothing; relaxing, I suppose you could say. And it's been really flipping nice. However I go back to school tomorrow and I will be blogging my daily outfits as much as I can.

It's interesting, typically when a break dwindles down to an end and I have to reroute my sleep schedule so I am prepared for early school mornings... I get pretty excited to go back. As much as I love breaks, I always find myself getting the feeling of wanting to go back. I like being in a routine and I like the structure of school. But this time around I'm not excited at all. I think maybe it's because my favorite teacher is still on maternity leave and I don't want to come back with her not there... Or just that it's been two weeks and I've gotten so used to being away. Plus it's my second semester of my junior year, and that means a heck of a lot of work. Oh man.... here we go.
Elizabeth: Whole outfit- Forever 21
Me: shirt- TJMaxx // pants- Old Navy // shoes- Shoe Mint // glasses- Forever 21 // earrings- Grandmothers

Elizabeth arrived at my house head to toe in Forever 21, a woman after my own heart obvi... hahaha I had this idea for a photoshoot, but then we never actually went to the desired location of my idea, we just stuck with the classic train tracks, and it turned out to be even better than my old idea! I won't tell you what it is, because I will most likely do it in the future... Anyway, I love all of these photos of Elizabeth, they are so summery. It was perfectly windy yesterday which actually made for some cool hair photos.

It's been pretty warm here ever since I got home from India which has been fantastic. When we first touched down in DC and I saw snow on the ground I was about to be really upset. I just came from 80 degree weather and here I am in the homeland, with 30 degree weather?!?!? I thought I escaped this!! Butttttttttt it's surprisingly been in the high 50-60s, and BEAUTIFUL! I hope it lasts!

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