Words With Sunday + Chapter 32

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happyiest of happy Sunday's to you all :) 
This weekend Ally stayed with us because her parents had their 30th college reunion. We went to Lulu's for brunch, sorry there aren't many photos of brunch because I started taking video and then didn't take any photos! Darn, sorry guys :(
 on Ally: shirt - Forever 21 // jacket -  Jones New York // jeans - Lucky Brand // boots - Target // sunnies - Forever 21
on me: jacket - Target (old) // shirt - Forever 21 // tights - gifted // shoes - gifted // sunnies - Forever 21
We have a long weekend this weekend, so no school Monday! And that's always exciting. It's been such a fabulous weekend! 
How was your Halloween? 
xoxolivia (+Ally :) )

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