Stepping Out in Cheetah Print

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Saturday! Today is an absolutely beautiful day, yes it is a bit hot.. but there is a nice cool breeze and it feels great in the shade. I haven't been up to much lately, except for last night Ally slept over here. We stayed up practically all night doing MadLibs, man, those things are seriously hilarious. 
I need to make this post a bit brief because the Avatar: The Last Airbender marathon starts in six minutes and i must watch every single second! Avatar is the best show in the history of animation. I am obsessed with it, I have seen every single episode, know most all of the lines and can recite the title sequence by heart, backwards, in my sleep... Okay that makes me sound a bit overly obsessed, but you just have to see the show, and you'll soon be hooked, and soon be in the same boat I am. Don't even get me started on the fanfiction... okay.. get it together Olivia... hahaha
dress - Ross // bag - vintage // shoes - Target

I love a simple monotone outfit with a statement pair of shoes, it makes me feel so chic and sassy, like I can walk anywhere in these shoes. Certain shoes make me feel powerful and good about myself. What are your favorite types of shoes? xoxolivia.


  1. Such an elegant outfit! I definitely agree with the chic monotone outfit with statement shoes.
    I was afraid to scroll to the bottom thinking that your shoes were $200+ (aka: out of my price range), but a Target buy... WOW! They always surprise me with their usually pretty well-made and fashionable items.

    1. Thanks so much!! I totally get what you mean by the Target thing! Like sometimes I will be reading blogs and click where they got say their dress from or something and it's like $200+ WHAT!? That's why I am a HUGE fan of thrifting and finding the better price, because I have SO MANY designer things that I just got from a local good will for a maximum of $15!! It's crazy!


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