Words With Sunday + Chapter 16

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hello Faithful Readers!
^like that? ;)
(pretty much if you are a faithful reader, i love you... and if you aren't, feel guilty.) 
Last week after our not so fab brunch at Strawberry Street CafĂ©, my father and I drove around a bit to see if we could find a better place for the next week; we found Max's. And let me tell you this place is d-i-v-i-n-e divine! The atmosphere is super cool! We sat on the second floor, which is also super cool, there were windows lining the restaurant which let in splendid natural light (my fave!) Oh it was just an all around A+
I ordered the "traditional Belgian Waffle with strawberries and chocolate (yum!)"
and The Papalapa ordered Eggs Benedict- per the usual...
it was all spectacular, I really want to go back for dinner and see how that is! Probably just as good, maybe better! :0)
dress // Topshop
tights // Target
socks // hand-me-downs
boots // gifted (F21 I think...)
bag // vintage
earrings // my sisters 
only the best of the fashionistas can rock cherry socks with cheetah shoes: yeah, I'm one of those highly elite fashionistas, shameless bragging *flips hair*
 +WHAT I DID (last night):
We had a dance last night so naturally we had a mini photoshoot.... too typically...
Unfortunately, Joanna had states for swimming this weekend and couldn't make it :( 
(from left to right)
Isabelle's dress // H+M
Katie's dress // Ross
My dress // It's my sisters, but... F21
Ally's dress // F21

I had a super fun night last night with all my gals! And a great day today! Wanna know what the best part about tonight is...?? No school tomorrow!!!! YAY! Booyah Rah Rah Rah Koombiya! If you've been following along and doing some mad math, you'd know that this weekend was a five day weekend and it's not even over yet! xoxolivia. 
p.s. wanna always know when I'm posting? Follow me on Instagram!

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