This Is An Outfit Post But I Don't Really Talk About Clothing

Thursday, February 27, 2014

So after a long (not so long) week of running on a total low, it is at last Thursday! What? Thursday!? Yeah that's right. Xterm starts tomorrow and that means AUSTIN AUSTIN AUSTIN!! I am SO excited! We don't actually leave until Sunday at four am! ugh! but tomorrow we don't have classes, instead, we are getting together and getting lunch and hearing some music. Then after Austin it's straight into Spring Break! At Lasttt!! 
shirt // hand-me-down
jacket // Forever 21
skirt // American Apparel 
scarf // Irresistibles
necklace (it's actually a belt!) // it's ma mama's 
socks // Target
boots // vintage  
So yeah if there is good wifi where I am staying in Austin I will try to post everyday :)) I hopefully will be able to... I can't wait, eep!!! xoxolivia. 

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