Winding Down // Happy Birthday ATLT!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy Birthday to my blog
happy birthday to my blog
happy biiiirrrrrtttthhhhday to my blooooooooggg!
Happy birthday to my blooog!!!

December 26th,  2013 my blog turned one!
how cute :)

On the other hand, about this video...
for christmas I got a Canon DSLR T3i
oh my goodness it's amazing. 
and it also has GREAT video! So I decided to test that out and put together a little something
note that I am just learning how to use this camera and my shots aren't always the most stable or steady... oops sorry

But I hope everyone had a very merry christmas or if you do not celebrate christmas, a most fabulous holiday season :)

Now all full steam ahead to 2014!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, how exciting! DSLRs make a huge difference. Can't wait to see outfit shots with it! That video is so darling as well--bokeh bokeh bokeh all the way (: Your tights are super cute and happy 1st birthday to your blog!


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