How Do You Like Meow?

Friday, September 20, 2013

School has started and as you can tell I am not blogging as much. I'm sorry! Trust me I hate being away from the blogosphere as much as one hates checking a blog and seeing NO UPDATES! (Ughhh am I right?!) Well the point I'm trying to get across is that I wont be able to blog as much or maybe even really ever during the Monday-Thursday week. Friday and the weekend are different however... check for updates because OF COURSE there will be some!! :)
What am I wearing??
sweater // Love Culture
pants // F21
shoes // Ferragamo
kitty ears // F21

Tomorrow is our Homecoming dance! Yippee! I am getting ready with two of my besties, I will post about it... I mean, duh. 

Catch Ya on the Flip Side! 
Meow! xoxo Olivia  


What's On Your Mind?