Easter's Eve

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter's Eve! For those of you who celebrate it, and even if you don't...
Tomorrow is Easter, I was really glad that today was warn and beautiful out. A perfect day for a photo shoot. Well that is only because tomorrow (Easter) it is supposed to pour all day long. What a disappointment. 

That's in our side garden, in the Spring/Summer when everything is in bloom its lovely, now it is mainly just barely starting to grow, just wait for it to flourish! 

And our front swing. We have a backyard swing that goes over a hill, EEP SCARY! yet soooo much fun! 


brother sister best friends. 
(spandex... i swear)

what am I wearing?
Shirt // Target
Belt // Forever 21
Skirt // Birthday Present
Shoes // Vintage (My Sisters)
Headband // Gifted

I had a great day outside today
I got to bask in the sunshine with the people I love!

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