At Long Last

Sunday, March 31, 2013

After not having seen Ally for an entire twenty four hours, my separation anxiety was kicking in. Good thing we were able to go out and get ice cream! Non dairy of course ;) 

Let's face it, a proud diva right hur.

What is Ally Wearing?
Shirt // Target
Jeans // Lucky Brand
Shoes // Rainbows
Head Band // Gifted

What am I wearing?
Shirt // Birthday Present (FROM ALLY!)
Pants // (they are velvet btw) Forever 21
Shoes // Mod Cloth Thrifted
Necklace // From Africa
Purse // Gifted 

Then Ally and I were feeling random and went to Libbie Market and bought Sushi. 

airplane. okay. 

the most awkward people on earth


Au Revoir! 
Tomorrow is Easter! yippee!

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