Wednesday, April 3, 2019

It's official. I am in Lacoste, France, have gotten totally settled, and am excited to announce my stay here for the next few months! It is an absolute dream here, so beautiful, a whole new world unlike anywhere I have ever been to or even know about. I am so happy.

I'm taking three classes: travel portfolio, intro to fibers (which I weirdly got put into even though I've taken fibers classes before and am a minor, but I'm super excited regardless) and treasures of Provence, an art history class.
I am working on doing daily sketch practices and really thoroughly documenting my time spent here. I want to be able to look back on all the good memories I have made through art.

Although I do desire to travel, I don't think this is going to be like Hong Kong where I take big trips to other countries. I know everything is so close and accessible, but we have excursions just about every Friday and a full week long trip to Paris!

In addition to that I will be spending time with my parents in Monaco, so I will make my way around France one way or another, which you can be sure to follow along and live vicariously through, here!
I am so unbelievably grateful to be able to study abroad. Thank you to not only my parents for being the actual BEST parents ever, but to SCAD for having these opportunities! If you guys are thinking about coming to SCAD, seriously consider the fact that we have some super special campuses which will totally enhance your college experience. 

I am BEYOND happy here, honestly more content than I have been in a while, Lacoste is exactly what I needed. Here's to a clear head, a happy heart, and a fun adventure ahead of me. I cannot wait to watch this quarter unfold. 

xo, O

To stay up to date, be sure to follow along on my Instgram
Also on Kate's and my travel Instagram- more funny finsta type content
And my YouTube!