Wednesday, February 28, 2018

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Okay you guys, I've had these photos for a while now and don't know why I haven't shared them with you yet! This shoot was seriously the most fun. Directed and styled by my friend Cait Bryant and photographed by Rachel Proctor, (a dream team) we created a mock advertisement for Isabel Marant. Giving off a work to play look, this lookbook is for the ultimate party girl, but a girl who's still working hard on her 9-5 hustle. You know who she is...

Anyway, most of the clothes are from Goodwill, and were all Cait's, she's got great style y'all, follow her on insta for real.
What are your thoughts, do you like the business -> party look? Let me know in the comments!
Xo, O

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MELLOW YELLOW w Rainbow Optx

Monday, February 26, 2018

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Good Morning gang!
Hope you're all well, happy Monday! Yesterday I spent the afternoon with friends, to get these photos Matt and I both got all wrapped up in a big yellow sheet on the windiest day ever at the beach. The wind, although somewhat tough to work with, did end up working to our advantage. Thanks wind :)

I've partnered with Rainbow OPTX for this post. Sharing the hottest trend: colored glasses! We've all heard of rose colored glasses... and those are fun, but who says the fun has to stop there! Rainbow OPTX has glasses in tons of different styles and colors all at very affordable prices! With spring and summer coming up, you're going to want some of these shades to rock everyday.

Here I'm wearing the yellow round glasses. Now especially with my blonde hair I think yellow is my color, and the round frames really work well with my face shape. What shape of glasses work best for you? Try them all at Rainbow OPTX!

Have a great week!
Xo, O
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Sunday, February 25, 2018

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HEY! Long time no see.... lately life for me has been all over the place, no joke. Endless all-nighters, staying up until three and waking up at seven, photoshoot after photoshoot after project after work after work. It's a lot. But that's sort of always how it is after midterms when everything seems to speed up 0-100 real quick. Finals are coming up, Hong Kong is coming up, a lot is happening in my world really fast, thus not being hard to slow down for a blog post.

But with the literal five minutes I have (!!) before I head off to another shoot, here are some photos from a lookbook I did for my friend Kat for The Manor.
It's all about styling pastels in your wardrobe when transitioning from winter to spring. Despite my tired eyes and dark circles, I do really love how these photos turned out, let me know what you think in the comments section below! Have a great rest of your weekend. Xo, O
(I was sneezing in this photo)

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

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If you read my Valentine's Day Outfit Guide, you'd know that Valentine's Day is truly my favorite holiday. No joke! I'm a super romantic and an absolute sucker for love. With a soul fueled by romcoms and pixie stick sugar in my veins, I was basically built for Valentine's Day and all things ooey gooey chocolatey and oh so lovey-dovey!

That being said however, I don't know why I didn't get this post up to you sooner, and more V-Day posts out in general. One excuse I find pretty valid is that: I'm a student with zero time (an exaggeration but go with it) to DIY, create, bake, collaborate, or really anything other bloggers do for holidays in advanced simply because I'm too busy doing things that in my life right now unfortunately matter more.

BUT! I did manage to create this post! And ya know you take what you can get, so don't throw any riots or anything about it, okay? Thank you. It's a classic post to say the least, three styles of outfits for three different gals this V-Day.
This Valentine's Day whether you're doing a picnic in the park with your S.O. or a ladies brunch, this outfit gives off Parisian vibes head to toe. Perfect for any occasion where you're not too casual yet not too dressed up, and you know there will be pics afterwards. Especially in an outfit of mainly one color, it's important to mix textures to add some flair.
Any excuse to get dressed up is always a good one. If you're going on a date with your boo, they already know how beautiful you are, no need to go with anything too extravagant to try and impress them, all they really care about is Y-O-U. But of course, we all know that doesn't stop any fashionista! Wearing a simple elegant dress, color to fit the V-Day mood of course, with statement jewelry says it all. Wow your date with your classic beauty this Valentine's Day.

not pictured: great red heels.
We all have that friend who claims they could care less about the day of luv, but secretly we all know deep down they want in. I mean who doesn't?! If that's you this year, play it cool, you're a casual Valentine. Rock a laid back look with a subtle Valentine's Day themed graphic tee and pops of the holiday color. Possibly it says, "oh, today is Valentine's Day? huh I guess I just got lucky wearing red!" or it could say, "Yeah you know, I'm not a huge fan of the holiday, but I'm never opposed to a celebration." Like I said, you're a casual Valentine, no harm in that, play it cool... play it cool...
What will you be wearing this Valentine's Day? Comment down below!! Be sure to peep my Instagram for my V-Day ootd posted tomorrow! xo, O
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