Baby I'm Back

Monday, October 2, 2017

jumpsuit- Urban Outfitters < on sale!!!

Hellooooo wonderful humans of the internet... I'm sorry for being so distant lately, to be completely honest I can blame that on work. Actual work this time, I'm not even lying to make it sound like I do more than I really do, seriously you guys, since being back in Savannah my life has been nonstop go go go work work work! I have yet to have any free time to be like, "huh, what should I do right now?" It's always been, "okay I've done this, now I have this meeting in 15 minutes, and then a lecture here, and a lunch date here and I have to work on this essay and this project and gahhhhh it NEVER ENDS!" it seriously never ends. And although that may be true, things are sort of slowing down a bit, at least to the point where I think I'll be able to get back into blogging.
 I went to a lecture the other day with GQ Style Editor Mark Anthony Green, talking all about landing your dream job. It was really awesome, he was a super cool, inspired guy. My friend Brooke and I stayed after to give our thanks for having us, as did some others, and he was like, "hey, are y'all hungry?" We all went to Savannah Coffee Roasters and he bought me a grilled cheese... ANYWAY, the purpose of this story is to tell you about some of the advice he gave. Basically he reminded us of just how hard we need to work in order to succeed. How we can't stop creating, being inspired, and really working our butts off at what we are good at. We can't slow down and hope to get lucky, we must perfect our craft and continue to work hard and constantly post and publish work, getting ourselves out there!!
SO! That made me think, "you know I really do need to start blogging everyday again..." I'm at SCAD, surrounded by the COOLEST most passionate people, people who are down to collaborate and work just as hard as I am, I really need to take advantage of that! There is no reason why I shouldn't be posting often if not all the time, doing photoshoots, collaborations, working with local companies etc etc etc. That being said, I am incredibly busy, my work load this year is tenfold what it was last year, and it's really no joke, but I'm going to work my hardest to really stretch my blog reach and make this blog a success! Here goes nothin' y'all! Stick around for loads of content coming soon to a blogosphere near you!
In other news, how STELLAR are these photos?! I'm not even kidding when I say I'm surrounded by the most talented people here at SCAD. My friend Cassie Suppes is not only a total blast to be with (driving around in her convertible bug makes things extra fun) but she is quite the photographer, and friends that double as photographers?!?! It can't get much better than that!! She and I plan to shoot together again sometime soon, so be on the look out for those pics as well :)

Also... last thing I swear
peep this adorable jumpsuit. It's on SALE! So you should totally check it out, and it's ridiculously comfy and a complement magnet! 10/10 would recommend buying it. Also it let me live out all my forest nymph dreams for this photoshoot, so that's a plus!!

Alright that's all for tonight. See y'all tomorrow ;) xo, O


  1. It must have been the best of your life when you held your baby in your arm. I also had the same feelings but I could not conceive before I had my child. So I took this perfectly planning for a baby and it did a miracle.


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