Friday, August 25, 2017

Hello Hello! Today marks the end of day two in this beautiful bustling city! I made today so good, yesterday is pretty jealous... So let's get into it! Read more to hear all about it!

I started off the morning getting a little bite to eat at a cool cafe called Hungry Ghost. It was pretty full, but I managed to find a table for one :) I sat, ate up my muffin and chai while I journaled and just enjoyed my own company. It was quite pleasant.
After breakfast, I walked over to Flagpole, where I met up with designer, creator, and swimwear goddesses Jaime and Megan. I'll be doing a full post on my visit later on :)
I then met up with Rosie for some exploring, window shopping, and salad and cupcake eating. We had a great time! I absolutely love my time spent with Rosie, I've never hung out with her one on one, but we are having a great time, she is seriously such a sweetheart and to fun to be around!
I read online that MoMa had free admission after four pm on Fridays, so naturally I had to go. Couldn't pass up an offer like that! But apparently neither could the rest of New York. It was an absolute mad house! I am glad I went though of course, it was just quite crowded and a little claustrophobic at times. But that didn't stop me from, and don't make fun of me, but sort of choking up when I saw some of favorite pieces in person, and just the incredible talent of some of the greats. Art is SOOO important y'all.
After the museum, I was really craving something sweet (as always) so I hopped on the subway and headed down to Taiyaki for some fro-yo in one of those instaworthy fish cones! The Glossier Showroom was right around the corner so I decided to kill two birds with one stone and go to both. However, and maybe this is just me, but I really just wanted the free sticker sheet from Glossier but you have to buy something to get it, but UGH I just really couldn't find anything I wanted! And if I did it was way too expensive! Everyone loves Glossier! I don't know, I just don't wear enough make up to want to buy the highlighter, I look no different with the boy brow on, and any kind of moisturizer was way out of my price range. So what's the hype people? Someone please explain to me. Is it just the aesthetic? 
Anyway, all Glossier rants aside, Taiyaki was soooooooo good. And so much fun to eat! So many people kept coming up to me and being like, "That is so cool! Where did you get that!" "I need to be eating one of those right now, where is that!" I felt like a Taiyaki celebrity, it's no big deal y'all, no big deal.
I put my Google Maps away for a while which was so so nice, and I wandered into Little Italy which was the actual CUTEST! Italian restaurants everywhere, and so many nice smells, sounds, and gooooood looking food. But you know, I had ice cream for dinner so Italian food wasn't really in my budget.
I popped into some stores, bought a cute little star choker from Brandy Melville, and then hopped back onto the subway to head home. I took a nice shower, did a face mask, ate my left over pizza, yes, still just as delicious, and now I'm here blogging callin' it a night. So on that note, good night everyone! Talk to you tomorrow :) xo, O

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