Monday, August 28, 2017

Day three was a truly spectacular day. The best day of this entire trip for sure, I did SO much and loved EVERY second!! Sorry this is belated, after this day I was so incredibly exhausted I just couldn't edit and blog, same with yesterday, so here we are... On day five blogging about day three. But hey, I've just been enjoying myself too much, so that's always a good thing :) Let's get into it!
Started out the day with an incredibly delicious, highly indulgent meal at Two Hands café. Oh my gosh, best. avo. toast. ever. No joke you guys, and you know I've had PLENTY of avocado toast in my day, this was the best avocado toast I've ever had in my entire life. And the same goes for the chai latte, I'm no stranger to a good chai, iced or warm, no matter the café, that's my drink order, and this one did not disappoint.
Of course, had to try some soft serve from Momofuku Milk Bar. I've never had so much cereal flavored ice cream in my life, but since being in New York it seems to be everywhere! Continue reading, you'll see what I mean. But yeah, it was alright! I'll be honest, nothing absolutely show stopping, but good!
After breakfast I met up with my good friend Matt from SCAD. We then went for a second breakfast at The Butcher's Daughter. Okay please keep in mind that this is hours later. Although let's be real, I've been eating nonstop at all hours of the day and I see zero issue with that.
Craving some fun in the sun (lol) Matt and I headed to Coney Island, where we were disappointed by how CRAZY HIGH all the prices are!! Honestly guys, it was so sad, all we wanted to do was to ride the rides and have a good time, but NO! Every ride just had to be like $300 per person! What gives!! Okay but regardless of the rides we did have a good time, don't worry.
To finish off the night, naturally, we had to get ice cream, well that is of course, after stuffing our faces with pizza, I eat really really well y'all. But once again, CEREAL ICE CREAM! We went to Milk & Cream Cereal Bar, and I thought it was really great! Matt was weirded out by the pink cones, but whatever, he's a weirdo.

Anyway!!! That wraps up day three :) Expect day four tomorrow morning. Until then chickadees xo, O

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