Thursday, August 24, 2017

HELLO!! Omg you guys, I'm just going to start this post off by saying that life is seriously SO GOOD RIGHT NOW! So let's back up a little bit. As you know, if you read my last post- I had been going through a pretty rough time with my breakup and just everything else under the sun.

But muttled in the mix of all those feels, I also had this tiny voice that said, "hey Olivia, you need to do something for YOURSELF!" "You need a change of scenery" "Get him off your mind and start doing what makes YOU happy." At first the little voice sounded kind of crazy, but then it really started to make sense.

I needed to get out of Richmond, I needed to make progress on something that I was proud of. And that thing (or things rather) were my blog, and myself. SO! I decided to buy a bus ticket and head to the city where all dreams come true (if you're determined enough) New York City. And just like that, two days later here I am!

I plan to really use this week to grow my blog and myself as a person. I want to make connections, take time for myself, indulge in all the desserts, dance in the streets, and just live in the busy craziness that is this city. It hasn't even been twelve hours that I've been here and I'll tell you what I don't think I've genuinely ever been happier. Life is so good y'all... Life is so good.

Anyway, let me walk you through my day!!
So I arrived at 2:45, with a dead phone and lost in Chinatown. A great start to the trip... I walked around searching for some sort of coffee shop or something that had an outlet so I could get in contact with Rosie, (my sisters bff whom I'm staying with) and my parents and everyone else. After a long walk in the wrong direction I found myself in this little Brazilian café called Café Patoro. They were very nice there and eventually I found my way home, but it was pretty embarrassing explaining how lost I was.
I spent some time in Fort Green Park, which is actually right near Rosie's apartment, and so SOO beautiful. I do love Manhattan and all that, but Brooklyn is surprisingly green and oh my gosh it's so nice. It was very relaxing.
Then I made my way towards the Brooklyn Bridge where I took these selfies with my tripod that were not easy, like at all, and are probably terrifying my mom (don't worry it was really not as scary as it looks) Let me tell you, although crowded, the walk across the bridge really is so pleasant, and every view is beautiful. Like anyone with eyes, I love a good cityscape.
At this point I was pretty hungry so I walked around until I found somewhere that peaked my interest. I popped into an Italian restaurant called Gran Morsi, and OH MY GOSH, it was soooo good. Sort of totally too expensive, but worth it. I got a mushroom shallot pizza and I'm counting down the hours until I can finish the rest tomorrow... it was that good. If you're in the lower east side area, I highly recommend. 

And that's pretty much it! I then headed back to the bridge, walked home and am now snuggled in bed ready for another great day tomorrow!! Tomorrow I do have a LOT planned, and I am very very excited. Each day is so wonderful :) See y'all tomorrow! xo, O

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