Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Hello Loves! Day four was a slow, relaxing, yet just as special day. I started a bit later, due to getting home so late and having such a full day the day before! Read on to see what went down in the cityyyy!
So! I started out with lunch at this French restaurant, Jaques Brasserie. And oh mannnn, SO GOOD! Here's the thing that is kind of special about this place too. I found a photo of this mushroom pappardelle a while back, and I actually printed it out and just said, "Ya know what, one day I'm going to sit outside of Jaques Brasserie, I'm going to be wearing a killer outfit, and eating this pasta." And then a few months later, I did just that! I'm absolutely loving life right now you guys, so honestly, if you want something, just go for it!
Right around the corner from Jaques was The Met, I caved and payed the entry fee (tried to really only spend my money on food) because ugh, it's the Met, how can you not? And with the student discount! I had to. I spent a few good hours getting lost in the best way among incredible, breathtaking art. Some that I actually previously learned about in Art History, making them all the more exciting to see in person. And then of course the Comme des Garçons exhibit, oh my wow. All I can say about that is you need to see it in person. I went in knowing nothing and was throughly blown away, and I'd hope the same for y'all. It's amazing.
After The Met I headed to the subway to make it home in time for a little get together that Rosie's friends were having, but of course, on the way I couldn't not stop at a little bakery for a cupcake! 
And then I didn't get any photos or anything of the get together, but it was a lot of fun! Everyone brought their own food and it was somewhat of a potluck dinner, there were sparklers, and plenty of good company. If anything, it really really made me want to live here even more, be out of college living my life in the city, hanging out with all my girlfriends. Ugh sounds amazing, I'm so excited for whatever the future holds!! 

That wraps up day four! As always, a great great day. I really don't want to go home, but my trip is sadly coming to an end. Heartbreaking I know. Just means I'll have to come back sooner I suppose :) Until then xo, O

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