Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Good morning loves! I'm super-duper excited to share with you guys one of my favorite feel good things EVER! Meredith's Jars of Joy!!

A few years ago one of my friends from camp gave me one of Meredith's jars for my birthday and it was the absolute perfect gift. Basically the jars have folded up quotes that you open up everyday for a month. You can't put them back in the jar and you can't decide you want a different one, what you pick for that day you picked knowing you'd need it.

All the quotes are motivational, feel good, positive vibes, so no matter what you pick it's bound to lift your spirits. Personally I love reading my quote first thing when I wake up and then carrying it with me during the day to see how it applies to my life that day!!

So what are you waiting for??! Go pick buy some jars! They're all $15 and seriously make the best gift. They even have jars for fitness inspo, kids, psalms, and "seasons of love". Enjoy!!

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