Thursday, April 13, 2017

Romper- Urban Outfitters // shoes and sunnies- Forever 21

Hey hey! It's Thursday, and you know what that means... HAPPY WEEKEND! I'm actually SUPER excited for this weekend, Friday I usually (try) to use as my work day to get a good chunk of work done, Saturday I plan on disconnecting and taking a TOTAL me day, which I feel like I soooo deserve, things around here have been so much lately, so much work, so many early mornings, accidental late nights, and just never enough time to get ANYTHING done! BUT If I get enough work done Friday, hopefully I will be able to completely take Saturday OFF! And have it all to myself :) And then of course, Sunday is EASTER!! Which I guess yeah, I've sort of neglected to bring any more cute Easter posts to you guys... sorry about that, I'll try! But! On Sunday, my friends and I are going out to brunch at this suuuper good looking restaurant which we are all totally jazzed about! This is all of our first Easter away from family and home so we thought we'd bring Easter to our family here at our home away from home! Who better to celebrate with than best friends???! Anyway, enough with the update, and now about these lovely photos!

The same gal who shot my latest MeUndies shoot, Rachel Proctor, is QUITE the photographer, she, my friend Julia, and I went out on a little photospree the other day and she took the best photos! I borrowed Cher's romper for this shoot and I love how the green comes out in it when surrounded by all the foliage! Also it looks pretty with my green eyes hehehe... All together, huge thanks to Rachel for taking all these wonderful photos and for such a fun time the other day <3

And that's pretty much it chickies! I'll be back tomorrow with some more MeUndies and who knows... maybe even another Easter post! I guess you'll just have to wait and see! Until then, xo, O

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