Thursday, April 6, 2017

sunnies + dress- Urban Outfitters in store // booties- Forever 21

HELLO HELLO! Happy weekend! Can you believe it's already the weekend? Because I honestly cannot, this week has FLOWN by, and it feels like we've been here for ages because of it. But these last few days have been absolutely SO much fun! Every day has felt like a party!! But let me tell you, I am busy as HECK this weekend. That's why this post has to be so brief, I NEED sleep!!!

Anyway, this DRESS! I got it from Urban yesterdayyy and I am OBSESSED! not only is it the best color in the entire world, but it's SO FREAKING FLUTTERY AND BEAUTIFUL! Today was insanely windy so it made taking these photos all the more fun! I plan on wearing it to a special event tomorrow night but I just HAD to shoot in it before, it was TOO good to wait! Bri and I went out and shot some outfits today and had a great time getting lost and discovering colorful places to take pics! Once again, I love shooting with Bri, go check out her blog too!

I'm sorry this post isn't super exciting, I just really need to head to bed! I love you all so SO so MUCH! Talk to you tomorrow :) xo, O

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