Monday, April 10, 2017

Hey everyone! Hope your Monday has been great so far and your week is off to a great start!! Mine certainly was since I made these super cute bunny rice krispie treats! In honor of Easter coming up, I thought I'd share a few Easter and spring time themed posts with you guys this week leading up to Sunday :) SO! To start things off, I'm sharing this super easy SUPER cute treat! As you all know, I live in a dorm, so I don't have an oven, a stove, or anything of that sort, however! These are dorm friendly *woohoo!* And easy as pie! Let's get started why don't we :)
Fruity Pebbles
Rice Krispies

Since I'm on a budget I chose what I could find in the store brand cheaper alternative,

Oh, and once I got home I realized the rice krispie treat recipe calls for 3 tablespoons of butter... which I didn't use at all! But HEY! They turned out just fine!
HERE'S HOW TO DO IT: (or at least... how I did it...)

pour some cereal into a large container (bowl is preferable, but when you don't have a kitchen, why have big bowls???)

microwave half an average cereal bowl size full of mini mallows, only half full because they do expand in the microwave and you don't want things getting too crazy!

scoop mallows into cereal and MIX!
Okay okay okay.... so this is the hard part, or shall I say the really really STICKY part! the spoon wasn't really working too well so I actually just used my hands to mix it all in! For the amount of cereal I poured in I did three or so bowls of mallows :)

THEN! Spread the goopy krispie mix onto a pan with FOIL on it. If you cut a large piece of foil and curl it around the edges, it will be easier to lift. The foil will help when you are cutting them, you can flip it over and they will be completely flat :)

Now now now, I know you are eager to eat them! And if you're anything like me and used your hands to mix it all up, I'm sure you've eaten some straight off your hands! (which please clean before making these! It's not cool to contaminate your treats!!!) BUT WAIT! You must let them COMPLETELY harden before cutting! I left them about two hours before I did anything, and that was perfect!

Lastly! Peel foil off of the pan and flip it upside down, so now the krispies are flat on the pan and the foil is facing up! Remove the foil to reveal a smooth(-ish) krispie surface ready to cut out bunnies!!! And with any knife of your choosing, cut out some bunnies, or eggs, or really whatever strikes your fancy! And if you're feeling extra cute, add a little marshmallow on the bunny to look like a tail :)
And that's it! Easy and totally not messy at all (that is a lie)! I really hope you guys like these as much as I do :) They were almost too cute to eat, but then I remembered how good they tasted off my hands so obvi they were even BETTER in bunny form!!! 

Comment down below some of your favorite Easter traditions!! See ya next time :) xo, O


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