Sister Style: Matching Metallics

Monday, January 2, 2017

jackets- similar // skirts- similar // choakers- similar on me, similar on emma // my shoes- forever 21

Hello!! I hope everyone's new year is off to a great start! Mine is for sure! I rang it in with a party at my friend Luke's house, basically everyone slept over and had a total blast all night long! Right now I am in car #3 of the train headed back to savannah. School starts on the fourth and tomorrow I already have a bunch of pre-quarter assignments to get done and a lot of supply shopping to do. But it will all be great! I'm excited to be able to see all my friends again and catch up with them. If I'm totally honest though, I really don't want to go back in general, this go 'round was one of the hardest goodbyes to date. I had NO desire or motivation to pack and was almost late getting to my train... I don't know why, maybe it's because I've already been home for so long that I'm just really not ready to give up the easy relaxing routine of sleeping in and just hanging out all day and all night, or who knows what. All I know is yeah, I miss my friends, and yeah I love SCAD and everything about Savannah, but for some reason seeing everyone's "one week left till i get to go back HOME!" "Home in less than a week!" "Can't wait to go back HOMEEEEEEE" I'm just like UGH I am home, don't mind me as I hide under my covers for eternity and avoid all responsibilities... Maybe I'm just weird... Well anyway, while that is all happening right now, here are some photos from last week when both Emma and I were home and all was oh so well :) 
If you aren't obsessed with either embroidery, metallics, or bomber jackets right now then you need to check yourself into a fashion hospital and figure yourself out because they're all I'm dreaming about lately. Emma and I got these matching bombers and midi skirts for Christmas and it's been tough to find something else to wear since then. I'm not sure exactly where my mom got them but she's some kind of goddess for doing so. Not only does every part of this outfit work separately but it just kills all together. I actually wore this exact outfit to my NYE party and got so many complements! If you can get your hands on all things metallic, embroidered, satiny, and bombin' do it quickly, because they're hot hot hot right now!!! WOOHOO! Yay fashion! Yay america! 

That's all tonight folks! What are some trends you predict for this year? xo

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