Monday, January 2, 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Whether it was sitting on the couch watching the ball drop with your family or tearing up the dance floor, I hope y'all all rang in the new year in the best way possible :) I sure did! And in honor of it finally being 2017, I'd like to take this post to reminisce on a year that everyone around the world HATED, but I thought was pretty stellar, and for me personally, the best year yet :) I don't have any links to previous posts just cause, ehh general laziness, but I hope you enjoy these photos from the highlights of my past year!! Resolutions later to come this week...
Rang in the new year with my best best friends, watched Footloose and banged on pots and pans, wouldn't want to celebrate 2016 any other way.
Ally and I turned 18 on January 28th and showed off our adulthood by playin in the lotto. She won $5, I lost $3...
And to celebrate, an amazing party with all my friends in our new, yet still empty house! Best party ever with the best people on this PLANET!
I traveled somewhere tropical for the first time ever! Vieques, Puerto Rico, and with some of my squad making my experience 10000 times better.
Graduated high school with my best friends by my side the whole way through. I couldn't have asked for better friends to grow up with, you all are my sisters and for that I'm eternally grateful <3
We moved!!! Out of the house that held some of my most precious memories, secrets, and adventures, and into the city, ready for a new chapter of our lives :)
I attended my first ever music festival! Governor's Ball at Randall's Island in New York City!! Although most of it was spent muddy and wet, it was quite the experience and I'm excited to maybe hopefully return this year!
Visited New York City again with the group of the winners from the VMFA Teen Stylin' Fashion show!!! I created and modeled a garment based off of a piece of art in the museum and won a trip to NYC where I learned all about the fashion design industry. SUCH an amazing trip.
Went to New Orleans for the first time! A city full of color and somehow powdered sugar everywhere and beads in trees from decades past, I worked on helping my aunt with her new clothing line and visited family. Can't wait to go back! Mardi Gras...??
Although I didn't attend camp for the first time EVER this summer, I was able to make it back for the fourth of july and I'm so happy I did. My heart was so empty without it, but even the shortest visit was able to fill up the lil holes in my heart. So much love for you CMW <3
Nate and I traveled together for the first time to Boulder, Colorado, where we stayed with my sister and hiked, water parked, photographed, star gazed, ate amazing food, and fell in love all over again... hehehehe
Family trip to Savannah, Georgia to check out where I was about to head for the next four years!!!
Nothing is finer than bff day trips and adventures :)
The annual family beach trip was a hit as ALWAYS! And more so this year because EMMA was able to come!!! I cannot wait for next year :)
Once all my friendies went off to college and I still had a month to myself at home (quarter systems man) I went and visited Mimi in Dallas, Texas! I love everything about Dallas, the good food, the great museums, shopping, i could go on and on and on... but Mimi is by far the best part :)
This past fall I moved away from home and into my first ever COLLEGE DORM! Studying Fashion Marketing and Management with a minor in Fashion Journalism, I've plunged head first into art school and am loving every second. Not to mention that I'm meeting some of the coolest people and lifelong friends along the way :)
I voted in my first ever election at 18 for the first female presidential candidate. The future is STILL female. The next four years will be a doozy, but we GOT THIS!! Michelle 2020..??
Celebrated my favorite christmas by far with almost all my family in our new house. Here's to matching pajamas and too much hot coco :)
And I finished off the year by celebrating one full year around the sun dating Nate. I can honestly say I owe a lot of 2016 being so special to him <3
Overall, 2016 was an incredible year for me, full of milestones, amazing travels, falling in love, making fantastic memories and so much more. Now let's see 2017 top it, I have high hopes for this one :)

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