Back To School Styles With Warby Parker

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hello Hello Everyone! I partnered up with Warby Parker to show y'all some back to school outfits, and how to style your favorite shades and specs :) Luckily, Warby Parker has an amazing feature called the "At Home Try-On" where you can choose up to five frames to be sent directly to your house free of cost for you to test them out before purchasing, how awesome is that?! Check out some of my favorites!! 
CHELSEA- Grapefruit Soda
I am a huge sucker for clear frame glasses, they are super sharp and stylish without being too flashy or clashing. With the Chelsea glasses I went for an easy-going relaxed look. Ya know, some good ol boyfriend jeans and your best friends hand-me-down shirt is honestly the easiest and best way to do it. But really, I am in LOVE with the Chelsea's, these will totally be a pair I buy from the at home try on!!
 shirt and boots- Forever 21 // jeans- IZod
MILTON- Jet Silver
The Milton's are a simple classic pair of frames with a sort of retro trendy vibe. Thin rimmed glasses like these are ultra in style at the moment, trendy yet hip and groovy. Basically I was getting a pretty "hip" vibe from these glasses, so I paired them with a zebra velvet mini skirt and just a basic tshirt and sneakers. An ultra comfy, cool outfit, something that says, "Hey yeah, I work at your local urban coffee shop, but yeah, I'm also the lead bass player in your neighborhood pop band, come to our backyard show" Ya know?
 necklace- Show The Love
TILLEY- Grapefruit Soda
I am in absolute love love love loooOOOOVVEEE with these sunglasses. Once again with the clear frame thing, but ALSO with the grapefruit off-clear off-pink type deal, I LOVE the color and the shape and everything about these glasses. Unfortunately! The photos I tried to shoot featuring them were just soooo overpowered by my white overalls I was wearing. The white balance was so thrown off by the brightness of the 'vralls, it was bad, SO I'm just going to show you the photos from yesterday! Woohoo!
SO, for these glasses I love the cat eye because it makes me feel sort of girly, yet somehow everything else for some reason gives me a super sporty vibe. So, I went with pinstripes and sneakers, a more masculine vibe to play off the femininity of the cat eye. You can view the rest of the photos, here. 
BANKS- Sea Smoke Tortoise
And finally, Banks. These glasses brought me to a totally chic quirky feminine place. They are cute and just oversized enough to the point where you don't look like your head is a peanut, but you totally look like you know what's up at all times and you run the place no matter what... and you're also probably a spy or some sort of undercover cop *snaps finger in a sassy way*, and that is genuinely the vibe I like to give off, so these glasses are all around perfect for me...
 dress- Ginger G // shoes- Hidden Fashion
And that folks is it! I hope you like these glasses, and please go try some out for yourself! Also, go check out the new line of glasses Warby Parker  recently launched this summer, the Field Series. Their glasses feature frames with a multilayer structure that create a combination of a modern and ultra chic look! 
See y'all soon xo

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