Hey! I Moved!!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Hey!! Wondering why it's been absolutely silent around here for a few weeks? WELL that's because I've fully moved! Said my last goodbye to my old house on Wednesday, which, if I'm honest, didn't even seem real. As you may have seen from my Instagram I've been at the Gov Ball music festival, spending time in New York City and in Connecticut, so I haven't even really been around to post anyway. I'm a busy girl!!! I didn't even bring my DSLR to Gov Ball in fear it would get ruined, but I did have three disposable cameras, which I will be posting the photos from very VERY soon. 

So long story short, I've been busy either traveling or packing up my life. BUT I'm beginning to settle down here, spent my first night, of many, here in the new house, and am excited for the summer ahead! Here are some photos of me at my new house in our backyard. Enjoy! What have you guys been up to? 

wearing: top- Forever 21 // necklace- Show The Love // skirt- thrifted
Did I mention we have KOI! How cute is this guy? "HELLOOOO!!!" hahaha love him xo

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