
Monday, September 21, 2015

skirt + top- Forever 21 // hat- Target

Monday MonDAY MONDAY! Good morning little love bugs <3 It's still sunny and 85 degrees here, yet I refuse to not fully embrace fall. It's coming I swear!! I recently bought this skirt in a reletivly large skirt haul from Forever 21 and I love it!! The only down side to it is that I have an ittybitty waist so a small fits my butt and legs but not my waist, so I have to pin it ;( Quite the sob story I know... And yes, this post is named after a Lana Del Rey song... what else?

I hope everyone's weekend was just as fabulous as mine! I spent mine with my grandma getting manicures and my *first* pedicure! We went out to eat a bunch and watched a ton of movies! It was fabulous! But now I have an anatomy test, portfolio review, and meetings today and SAT prep all week... and UGH NO TIME TO EVEN BLINK! Okay okay okay I got this. I hope you guys have a less stressful week! Only five days till the weekend !!! xo

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