What I wore during my Internship

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hey guys!! Remember a few weeks ago when I posted about Verdalina? Yeah! Well I thought I'd share a few of the outfits I wore during that week :)
shirt and sunnies- Forever 21 // bag- Verdalina (duh) // skirt- Neiman Marcus (v old) // socks- Target // shoes- Urban Outfitters

This first outfit is the most cheery out of the others. It's kinda professional looking but also quirky and fun at the same time!
 dress- TJ Maxx // shoes- Shoe Mint

Inspired by some of the Raquel Allegra we sold at Verdalina, I went with this loose tye dye looking dress. It's so simple and suuuppperrr comfy.
 shirt- Urban Outfitters // skirt- Forever 21

Black and grey with a pop of color here and there. I LOVE these shoes, and midi skirts are my fave at the moment <33
okay, this photo is kinda confusing, you can't clearly tell, but the leg on the right is my right leg and the one on the left is my left, it's weird its weird.

I had a terrific time during my internship! Thank you Verdalina!!

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