I'm Back!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

That didn't take too long.. I told you I'd return! I guess I just felt like I needed a little break. Blogging requires a lot of guts; putting yourself out on the internet for millions, billions(!) to see can be intimidating, time consuming, and just a lot of work. I was negatively comparing myself to other bloggers and struggled finding new ideas that would keep people coming back to my blog. But then I realized something; I blog to spread my ideas to readers and other people, yes, but the main reason I blog is for myself. It keeps me on my feet trying to come up with new concepts and posts, it helps express myself in a way that I haven't ever been able to before, and above all it makes me so so happy.
So, to all of you out in the blogosphere, I'm Olivia Ruffin, your favorite life and style blogger, and I plan on sticking around :)


  1. I'm so glad you came to that realisation

  2. Well, you're gorgeous

  3. you unfollowed my instagram :(

    1. I did?! who are you! I'm sorry I just follow waaaaayyyy too many people it's overwhelming


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