Birthday Chronicles 5/17 - Pink!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

jacket- Express // turtle neck - Target (old) // scarf- thrifted // skirt- thrifted Brandy Melville (better yet, it's actually a SKORT!!1!!!1) tights- Target // glasses- ebay // earrings- Charming Charlies // phone case- Etsy // booties- Old Navy

Today I decked out in my favorite color. And although the weather has been grey and rainy, everything brightens up when I step out in some pink ;)

Guys, I don't think I'm ready to be seventeen. Sweet sweet sixteen was such a fabulous year, but what is seventeen? Just the middle year a step away from eighteen, and a step up from sixteen (congrats Olivia, you can count...) But seriously, is seventeen the last year of my technical childhood? I don't know how I feel about that...

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